
Our Story: Rolling for Remission

In the heart of Las Vegas, amidst the hustle and bustle, a unique idea took root. An idea that would seamlessly blend the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) with a message that resonated deeply with many: the fight against cancer.

Our founder, a passionate BJJ enthusiast, saw the discipline, resilience, and camaraderie on the mats as a mirror to the battles faced off the mats, particularly by those bravely combating cancer. Witnessing friends and loved ones confront this disease, the vision for "Rolling for Remission" was born.

We recognized parallels between the grit required in BJJ and the indomitable spirit of cancer warriors. Both journeys, though different, are marked by challenges, determination, and hope. Thus, we decided to create a platform that would bridge these two worlds.

"Rolling for Remission" isn't just a brand; it's a movement. Every product we craft, from our eco-friendly apparel to our intricately designed stickers, carries a twofold purpose: to resonate with the BJJ community and to amplify the message of cancer awareness.

Our designs are more than just patterns and prints. They are symbols of hope, resilience, and collective effort. When you wear or display a "Rolling for Remission" item, you're not just making a fashion statement; you're joining a community that believes in making a difference.

Commitment to Giving Back

Building on our dedication to this cause, "Rolling for Remission" is committed to donating 25% of our profits to cancer research and charities. This pledge is an integral part of our mission, reflecting our resolve to contribute actively to the fight against cancer. We partner with reputable organizations ensuring that our contributions are channeled towards impactful research and meaningful support for those affected by this disease.

By supporting "Rolling for Remission," you are not only part of a resilient community but also an active participant in a broader battle against cancer. Your choice helps fund vital research and support services, making a tangible difference in the lives of many.

As we grow, our commitment remains unwavering: to deliver quality, to spread awareness, and to support the fight against cancer in every way we can. Whether you're a BJJ practitioner, a supporter of cancer awareness, or someone who believes in our cause, we welcome you to our family.

Together, we roll. Together, we hope. Together, we make a difference.